511 Contra Costa is a one-stop source for Bay Area traffic, transit, rideshare, and bicycling information. It's free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – from anywhere in the Bay Area. 511 Contra Costa also offers various programs to encourage motorists who current drive along to try alternative mode of transportation instead. Program services include Community Outreach, Public Education, Incentive Programs, Bike Rack Assistance Program, and Commute Alternative Assistance for employers.
TRANSPAC (Transportation Partnership and Cooperation) is the Regional Transportation Planning Committee (RTPC) for Central Contra Costa. TRANSPAC is responsible for the development of transportation plans, projects and programs for the Central County areas as well as the appointment of two representatives to the Contra Costa Transportation Authority who serve alternating two-year terms.
CCTA is a public agency formed by Contra Costa voters in 1988 to manage the county's transportation sales tax program and to do countywide transportation planning.
The Countywide Comprehensive Transportation Plan, or CTP, is one of the key planning tools called for in the Measure J Growth Management Program (GMP). The CTP provides the overall direction for achieving and maintaining a balanced and functional transportation system within Contra Costa - including a series of strategies and implementing actions - while strengthening links between land use decisions and transportation. It outlines the Authority's vision for Contra Costa and it establishes goals, strategies, specific projects, and other actions for achieving that vision.