The Public Works Department provides a wide variety of services that improve the quality of community life in Walnut Creek including: Engineering services, maintenance of parks and open space, public facilities and buildings, traffic signals, streets and drainage, vehicle and equipment, parking garages and meters as well as administering Clean Water program.

The mission of the Public Works Department is to design, construct, operate and maintain public infrastructure efficiently and effectively in order to protect public safety and enhance the quality of community life. The Department accomplishes these goals through the work of:

Engineering Services provide general oversight of the Capital Investment Program, Development Engineering and Traffic Engineering.

Parks Services and Open Space Division maintains public parks and open space lands in Walnut Creek. It oversees more than 2,700 acres of open space, over 100 miles of hiking and equestrian trails, and 22 public parks.

Maintenance Services Division manages street and drainage infrastructures, public buildings and facilities, vehicle and equipment maintenance and a Traffic Operations Center.

Clean Water Program is a comprehensive program comprised of various activities designed to reduce stormwater pollution to the maximum extent practicable and to eliminate non-stormwater discharges.