Construction Projects Can Cause Pollution

Demolition, soil grading and pouring concrete are common construction activities that can send pollutants to the City's storm drain system, untreated into local creeks and the San Francisco Bay. To prevent pollutants from entering storm drain, Best Management Practices (BMPs) must be properly maintained during construction activities.

Requirements to Prevent Pollution

All construction/demolition projects must comply with the City of Walnut Creek's Site Development Ordinance, which requires the use of erosion and sediment controls to protect water quality while the site is under construction. Prior to the issuance of a permit for grading activity that occurs during the rainy season (October 1 to April 30), an Erosion Control Plan must be submitted to the Engineering Division. 

The City's Engineering inspectors regularly inspect construction sites to ensure that the projects are properly implementing Best Management Practices to protect water quality until the site is stabilized. Construction sites that are out of compliance with the City of Walnut Creek's ordinance will be inspected by the City more frequently and are subject to fines.
